Mom Look Monday | Sports Mom
This post was originally posted on The Ashley Maria Blog..
Spring is on the way, I know I've already signed up my soon to be 5 year old to play t-ball again this year as well as a club soccer program. Our life is about to get a lot busier in the next few months between them both. I can't even imagine when my youngest starts playing what our schedule will look like. BUT I secretly love it. I love watching not only my child but all the kids just truly having fun out there. Last year, some of the things the kids did were comical (aka wrestling in the outfield, butt picking while running the bases, writing in the sand, getting caught in the goal- are just some of my favorites)
Anyway, I love Spring and especially love Spring fashion. SO I obviously put together some "Sports Mom" looks for you today. I've team up with my friend from the Macaroni Kid Bethlehem/Allentown to bring you Mom Look Monday's again for this season. I teamed up with the sweet editor in the Winter and even was featured in one of her articles- Check it out HERE
So today, I wanted to give you a sneak peek before it hits the MacKids social media Monday, March 7th!